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Motor vehicle accidents (MVA) can cause injuries to many different areas of the body. Symptoms of MVA related injuries can sometimes take weeks to develop and may not become apparent right away.

Your auto insurance covers you for anywhere from 10-21 chiropractic treatments for minor injuries under the Alberta diagnostic treatment protocols regulation. Further, and through a different auto insurance program, every Albertan is entitled to $1,000 of additional chiropractic care coverage for motor vehicle accident injuries.

Chiropractic treatment for minor injuries is billed directly to your insurance company. You do not have to submit receipts for reimbursement or pay out of pocket. Make sure you tell your chiropractor that you were injured in a car accident and they will fill out the forms to have your treatment costs covered. To expedite the process, print and fill out the AB-1 MVA form below and bring your completed AB-1 form to your first Chiropractic visit. 

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